El agua y la gestión del agua en las Américas
Fecha limite : 1 de abril de 2019
Convocatorias a contribución :
IdeAs n° 15
Water and water management in the Americas
Guest editors: Vincent Dubreuil and François-Michel Le Tourneau
Deadline for contribution abstracts: April 1, 2019
Deadline for full texts: September 1, 2019
Publication: February-March 2020
IdeAs – Ideas of the Americas, journal of the Institute of the Americas will publish its 15th issue on Water Management in the Americas. The environmental dimension will be the backbone of this issue, either in its physical dimension (how do we quantify the risks and resources?) or in the approach of water-related social or political issues, taking into account the complex relationships between stakeholders at different scales. We welcome contributions from all disciplines within the spectrum of social sciences, from history, political science, international relations, economy to geography, sociology and anthropology, particularly regarding North America.
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REGARDS (CJ) (8 de marzo de 2019). El agua y la gestión del agua en las Américas. Redial & Ceisal. Recuperado 13 de febrero de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/ted4