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Brasil de Bolsonaro: Sociedad y política en el giro neo-conservativo

Amsterdam : Muziekzaal

22 de marzo de 2019 15h00-17h00

Bolsonaro’s Brazil: Society and Politics in the Neo-Conservative Turn

In this public seminar five invited experts will tackle thought-provoking issues that crucial to understand Bolsonaro’s rise to power. They will also assess the directions of his government’s policies and their manifest or potential impact on Brazil and beyond. After the presentations, this panel will engage in a moderated debate with the audience.

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OpenEdition le sugiere que cite este post de la siguiente manera:
REGARDS (CJ) (20 de marzo de 2019). Brasil de Bolsonaro: Sociedad y política en el giro neo-conservativo. Redial & Ceisal. Recuperado 16 de febrero de 2025 de

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