Documentación lingüística participativa y la importancia de los archivos lingüísticos en peligro de extinción
Berlin :
9 de septiembre de 2019 18h00 :
Conferencia :
Berlin :
9 de septiembre de 2019 18h00 :
Conferencia :
Mandana Seyfeddinipur :
Participatory language documentation and the importance of endangered language archives
Languages are falling silent all over the world at a breathtaking rate because of the effects of globalisation and urbanisation. Linguists estimate that of the 7000 languages spoken today half will fall silent by the end of this century. Communities in Meso- and South Amerika are trying to counteract the developments by documenting their languages and the knowledge encoded in therein together with linguists. The collected recordings are then preserved in digital archives like Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America (AILLA) or Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR). Local activist use the recordings to create teaching materials, films and apps to ensure the language is still transmitted to the young generation.
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REGARDS CNRS (29 de agosto de 2019). Documentación lingüística participativa y la importancia de los archivos lingüísticos en peligro de extinción. Redial & Ceisal. Recuperado 23 de enero de 2025 de