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The Fight against Corruption in Latin America – Advancements, Challenges and Drawbacks

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October 10th 2019, 18:00 / Diplomatische Akademie Wien
Panel Discussion (in English)
Georg Krakow / Transperancy International – Austrian Chapter
Sophie Meingast /  UNODC
Hermann Aschentrupp Toledo / Embassy of Mexico
Michael Zimmermann / Netzwerk Projekte International (NPI), Außenwirtschaft Austria, WKO
Alejandra Navarro de Chalupa / ANC Legal Office
Moderation: Ulrich Brand / Universität Wien

More information

Cooperation between Forschungsgruppe Lateinamerika/Universität Wien, Diplomatischen Akademie Wien and Österreichischen Lateinamerika-Institut. On October 11th there will be a another panel but in German.

OpenEdition le sugiere que cite este post de la siguiente manera:
Colección Iberoamericana, Biblioteca Universitaria de Gotemburgo (1 de octubre de 2019). The Fight against Corruption in Latin America – Advancements, Challenges and Drawbacks. Redial & Ceisal. Recuperado 19 de febrero de 2025 de

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