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Encender el fuego : Dar sentido al nuevo orden ambiental brasileño

Amsterdam :

15 de noviembre de 2019 15h30 :

CEDLA Lecture :

Sparking the fire : Making sense of the new Brazilian environmental order / Dr. Fabiano Toni, Universidade de Brasília.

In 2019 Brazil elected a right-wing populist president. Rather than a strong political party, Jair Bolsonaro was backed by a suprapartisan coalition of representatives of a rural elite organized, in a caucus that congregates 38 Senators and 247 federal deputies, belonging to 26 political parties. This support was based on an anti-globalist discourse, with a strong appeal to national sovereignty, especially regarding the free use of the country’s land and natural resources. We analyze the changes set in motion after the inauguration of the new government, aimed at dismantling of the country’s environmental policy through the use of various tools:

1) reducing the budget of the ministry and federal environmental agencies;

2) dismissal of senior employees of these agencies;

3) campaigns to denigrate the image of NGOs and public agencies;

4) public challenge to commitments made by countries in previous governments;

5) inflammatory discourses that legitimize environmental crimes.

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REGARDS CNRS (15 de noviembre de 2019). Encender el fuego : Dar sentido al nuevo orden ambiental brasileño. Redial & Ceisal. Recuperado 14 de septiembre de 2024 de

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