En GIGA-Focus Lateinamerika: “Assessing the Political and Social Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis in Latin America”
En núm. 3, Abril 2020 de GIGA-Focus Lateinamerika por Merike Blofield, Bert Hoffmann y Mariana Llanos: “Assessing the Political and Social Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis in Latin America”
The COVID-19 pandemic is testing the societies of the world’s most unequal continent, where many depend on informal work for their livelihood. Social-distancing measures directly affect their livelihoods, and make immediate social assistance imperative. The crisis is also testing political leadership, as some presidents are emerging as strong, unifying leaders, while others flounder, in a continent where historically trust in formal institutions is low.
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Colección Iberoamericana, Biblioteca Universitaria de Gotemburgo (24 de abril de 2020). En GIGA-Focus Lateinamerika: “Assessing the Political and Social Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis in Latin America” Redial & Ceisal. Recuperado 14 de septiembre de 2024 de https://doi.org/10.58079/tfjn