Arte brasileño desde 1960 hasta 1980 : Una estética de los márgenes
Brazilian Art from 1960s to 1980s : An Aesthetics of the Margins / Claudia Calirman :
Berlin :
10 de junio de 2020 18h00 :
This workshop explores the period from the late 1960s through the 1980s, in which prominent Brazilian artists claimed that their work existed at the margins of society, both apart and alienated from the conservative social order, taking up the term ‘marginália’ or marginality, proposing an alternative strategy to hegemonic artistic modes of production.
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REGARDS CNRS (4 de junio de 2020). Arte brasileño desde 1960 hasta 1980 : Una estética de los márgenes. Redial & Ceisal. Recuperado 12 de diciembre de 2024 de