(Re)Imagining Belonging in Latin America and Beyond: Access to Citizenship, Digital Identity and Rights
Institute of Modern Languages Research :
23-24 june 2021:
Online- via Zoom :
Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
This conference has been organised in collaboration with The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion
Keynote Speaker: Wendy Hunter Professor of Government at the University of Texas–Austin
DAY ONE: Wednesday 23 June, 2021
Welcome Address: 12.00 – 12.15
Dr Ainhoa Montoya & Dr Eve Hayes de Kalaf, Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), Institute of Modern Language Studies (IMLR), School of Advanced Study, University of London
Panel 1: 12.15 – 13.45
Nation-Building, National Identities and Belonging in the Americas
Chair: Professor Peter Wade, University of Manchester
Speakers: Shirley Llain Arenilla, Dr Olga Lidia Saavedra Montes de Oca, Jade Roberts
Nation-building, Race and Immigration in the Evolution of Post-Colonial Nationality Regimes in Hispanic-America: The Case of Colombia
Shirley Llain Arenilla, University of Leicester/Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
From Saviour Citizens to Traitors: An Exploration of National Identity and Belonging through Cuban Healthcare Professionals
Olga Lidia Saavedra Montes de Oca, Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)
Manufacturing Foreigners: The Law and Politics of Transforming Citizens into Migrants
Jade Roberts, Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness, University of Melbourne
BREAK 13.45 – 14.00
Panel 2: 14.00 – 15.30
Unlocking Citizenship Rights: Indigenous, Afro-Descendant and Religious Identities
Chair: Shodona Kettle, UCL Institute of the Americas/San Francisco University of Quito
Speakers: Dr América Nicte-Ha López Chávez, Rayanne de Sales Lima, Dr Manoela Carpenedo
Indigenous and Afro-Mexicans of Guerrero, Mexico: Political Struggles, Similarities and Differences
América Nicte-Ha López Chávez, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
To be, or not to be Indigenous, that is the Brazilian Question
Rayanne de Sales Lima, Federal University of Minas Gerais/Brazilian Federal Agency for Indigenous Policy (Fundação Nacional do Índio – Funai)
Imagined Communities, Religious Revivals, and emerging crypto Jewish Identities among Evangelicals: the case of the Judaizing Evangelicals in Brazil
Manoela Carpenedo, Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)
BREAK 15.30 – 15.45
Panel 3: 15.45 – 17.15
Challenges to Legal Definitions of Status
Chair: Professor Amanda Flaim, James Madison College of Public Affairs, Michigan State University
Speakers: Agustin Grandez Mariño & Lucia Santos, Dr Antonia Wimbush, Veronica Overlid
The Recognition of Gender Identity and Non-Binary Identities in Peru
Agustin Grandez Mariño & Lucia Santos, Legal Clinic in Identity Rights of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Diasporic Citizenship(s) and Contested Identities in the Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean: From Windrush to the BUMIDOM
Antonia Wimbush, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Liverpool
Mobility as resistance – challenging the legal definition of a refugee through “the migrant caravans” from Central America
Veronica Overlid, Carleton University
BREAK 17.15 – 17.30
Keynote: 17.30 – 18.30
Contesting Belonging in the Region of Birthright Citizenship(s): Marginalized Populations in the Americas
Professor Wendy Hunter, Professor of Government at the University of Texas–Austin
DAY TWO: Thursday 24 June, 2021
Panel 4: 12.00 – 13.30
The Dawn of a New Era? Digital Identity, Rights and COVID-19
Chair: Amal de Chickera, Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI)
Speakers: Dr Bridget Wooding, Claudio Machado, Analúcia Alonso, Letícia Bartholo & Natasha Hornink, Dr George Tian, Dr Vivianny Galvão & Dr Sanzhuan (Sandra) Guo
The entanglement of biometrics with the COVID-19 response in the Dominican Republic: Who does not get in?
Bridget Wooding, Centro para la Observación Migratoria y el Desarrollo Social en el Caribe (OBMICA)
Challenges for the Identification of the Citizen during the Social Protection Response to COVID-19s pandemic in Brazil
Claudio Machado, Independent Consultant in Social Identification, Analúcia Alonso, Social Protection Policy Consultant, World Bank, Letícia Bartholo, Public Manager of the Federal Government and Researcher in Social Protection Policies & Natasha Hornink, Research Assistant in Public Policies, University of Coimbra
Digital Divide v Access to Citizen Rights: Comparative Studies of Digital ID Systems in Australia, Brazil and China in the Context of COVID-19
George Yijun Tian, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Vivianny Kelly Galvão, Centro Universitário Tiradentes & Sanzhuan (Sandra) Guo, College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University
BREAK 13.30 – 13.45
Panel 5: 13.45 – 15.15
Birth Registration, Digital Identification and Biometrics
Chair: Dr Eve Hayes de Kalaf, Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)
Speakers: Cornelius Williams, Laura Bingham, Professor Imke Harbers & Professor Jennifer M. Piscopo
Birth registrations and the right to an identity as conceptualised within international development policy
Cornelius Williams, Associate Director and Global Chief of Child Protection for UNICEF’s Programme Division
Lifecycle Myths and the Magic of the State in Digital Identification
Laura Bingham, Open Society Justice Initiative
Uneven Citizenship: Gender Bias, Birth Registration, and Patterns of Political Inclusion in Mexico
Imke Harbers, University of Amsterdam & Jennifer M. Piscopo, Occidental College, Los Angeles
BREAK 15.15 – 15.30
Panel 6: 15:30 – 17:00
Citizenship-Stripping, Statelessness and the Creation of Foreigners:The Case of the Dominican Republic
Chair: Dr Bridget Wooding, Centro para la Observación Migratoria y el Desarrollo Social en el Caribe (OBMICA)
Speakers: Dr Eve Hayes de Kalaf, Allison Petrozziello, Dr Megan Myers & Iris Diendomi Álvarez
Dominican or not Dominican? Citizens and their Experiences of Legal Identity Measures
Eve Hayes de Kalaf, Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)
Birth Registration as Bordering Practice in the Dominico-Haitian Borderlands
Allison Petrozziello, Wilfrid Laurier University, Balsillie School of International Affairs
Documenting ‘In-Transit’ in the Dominican Republic
Megan Myers, Department of World Languages and Cultures, Iowa State University & Rosa Iris Diendomi Álvarez, Independent
BREAK 17.00 – 17.15
Global Roundtable: 17:15 – 18:45
Chair: Dr Bronwen Manby, London School of Economics (LSE)
Speakers: Professor Amanda Flaim, Jaap van der Straaten, Professor Keren Weitzberg, Debasreeta Deb
Drawing Borders in Blood: DNA Testing, Citizenship, and Statelessness Prevention in Thailand
Amanda Flaim, Michigan State University’s James Madison College of Public Affairs, and the Department of Sociology; affiliate faculty of the Asian Studies Center and the Center for Gender in Global Context
Mobile phones for civil registration: Reculer pour mieux sauter? A review of Ghana’s m-birth evaluation, and beyond
Jaap van der Straaten, founder of CRC4D, the Civil Registration Centre for Development
Expulsion through the Database?: Datafied Citizenship and Biometric Management in Kenya
Keren Weitzberg, University College London
From Citizens to Stateless: Crisis, Othering, Persecution and the Complex Realities in India’s National Register of Citizens
Debasreeta Deb, University of Otago
Closing Remarks: 18:45-19:00
Dr Eve Hayes de Kalaf, Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), Institute of Modern Language Studies (IMLR), School of Advanced Study, University of London
Download speakers bio’s and abstracts (pdf)
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REGARDS CNRS (11 de junio de 2021). (Re)Imagining Belonging in Latin America and Beyond: Access to Citizenship, Digital Identity and Rights. Redial & Ceisal. Recuperado 13 de febrero de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/tg9q