“Cruzando Fronteras en América Latina”
Organizadores: Centro de Estudios y Documentación Latinoamericanos (CEDLA)
Coordinador principal: Michiel Baud
O’Donnell, Guillermo, Cynthia Hewitt de Alcantara, y Arturo Escobar. 2004. Cruzando fronteras en América Latina: ponencias presentadas durante el Tercer Congreso Europeo de Latinoamericanistas, CEISAL 2002 Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Centro de Estudios y Documentacion Latinoamericanos.
“Major Trends and Topics in Latin American Studies in Europe:
Special Issue for the CEISAL conference ‘Cruzando Fronteras en América Latina’,
Amsterdam, July 2002.” (2002) European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, No. 72.
Hall, Anthony L. (Ed.). 2005. Global impact, local action: new environmental policy in Latin America. London: Institute for the Study of the Americas. [Papers presented at the Third Congress of European Latin Americanists, held in Amsterdam from 3-6 July 2002]